Innovative and creative work spaces ideas to boost productivity

Innovative and creative work spaces ideas to boost productivity

According to the studies, design-led organizations consistently outperform those that are not design-led, over the long term. 

Learn how your company may exert the concepts of design thinking through creative work spaces to spur innovation and creativity.

You might not intuitively consider how the layout will affect people when designing an office environment. People can get things right as long as they have a place to work, right?

It’s time to reconsider the strategy. It turns out that bad office architecture has a significant negative impact on creativity and psychology. 

According to a source, companies lose billions annually as a result of unsatisfactory designs that don’t meet the needs of the employees.

Giving someone a chair, desk, and computer won’t help that individual to perform at their best. Fortunately, a few workplace design adjustments can increase productivity and creativity to increase the success of your business. However, it goes beyond that.

Traditional office designs preserve inflexible routines and structure with their monolithic format, however, Design Thinking encourages unconventional thinking, going above and beyond the apparent and motivating employees to reinvent themselves each day and innovate in ways they have never done before!

Read: Premisin coworking meeting rooms – Best for business meetings

A broad perspective that views work as an essential component of people’s lives and strives to offer a certain lifestyle rather than a simple office is referred to as “Design thinking” in the workplace. 

As a result, the final product is distinctive and motivational. It integrates many components, pays close attention to details, and makes the employees feel both comfortable and intrigued. 

Choose Ergonomically Furniture to Boost Productivity

  • Reducing absences caused by injuries.
  • Making employees feel cared for by their bosses.
  • Assisting employees in keeping up their energy levels throughout the day.
  • Lowering the volume of mistakes that employees commit each day.

It’s wonderful to have evidence that comfortable furniture can increase productivity. However, you probably don’t need a lot of information to understand the value of good, ergonomically-designed chairs, tables, and workstations.

If you had to work through discomfort all day, just think of how much you could get your work done. Imagine how many mistakes you would make as your stress level grew hour by hour.

Imagine yourself working in creative work spaces that are cozy, have beautiful art on the walls, and allow you to walk around easily without experiencing any pain. 

A little thought experiment will demonstrate why it makes sense for businesses to spend money on excellent design.

Break Areas Restore People So They Can Stay Focused

Any workplace that serves creative agencies or the new media industry needs a comfortable break space where employees may unwind and recharge. Although it may seem paradoxical to some employers, rewarding employees with frequent breaks raises productivity.

Companies need to provide warm break rooms where individuals may unwind, revitalize, and regroup before returning to work because employees don’t feel encouraged to take breaks.

At the Premisin creative work spaces, employees have access to a rooftop lounge and a recreational zone as well as the numerous cafes and restaurants in the vicinity. 

Employees are encouraged to take breaks from their desks when the office environment has inviting break areas. In return, you get a team of professionals who are more productive and creative and who don’t have trouble meeting deadlines. 

Separate Areas for Collaboration and Silent, Independent Work

Marketing agencies need areas where teams can gather and collaborate. When creative people get the chance to exchange ideas with one another, they may create amazing, successful campaigns that go above and beyond client expectations.

It is obvious that your office needs to be a place where everything goes and where creative thought is encouraged.

But, what happens following the collaborative meeting? Often, people need to focus on their individual roles to refine ideas and turn concepts into realities. Any distraction might make it difficult for many creative people to concentrate on their work.

That’s why workplaces must provide quiet, distraction-free areas where employees can sit down, think deeply, and develop ideas.

Your team won’t be able to function as effectively without both types of workplaces. Ensure that everyone has access to meeting spaces where they can connect, have fun, and can be inspired. Also, establish creative work spaces where people can work independently without interruptions.

Give Employees Natural Lighting to Help Them Concentrate

More than a quarter of employees claim that their workplace needs better lighting. You’ll understand why so many people seek better lighting once you go inside a typical conventional office building. Unwelcoming environments are created by harsh fluorescent lighting.

According to research,  the employees who have access to natural light are more productive. It is also stated that exposure to natural light lessens headaches by 63%, sleepiness by 56%, and eye strain by 51%.

It goes without saying that people are more productive when they are not bothered by headaches, drowsiness, or eye strain.

Give employees access to the natural world to increase their creativity and productivity. That might entail views of trees, flowers, and lakes. It might also mean decorating the office interior with lots of plants. Regardless, people feel happier and more eager to work when they’re connected to nature.

Also Read: What is Plug and Play Office Space and what does it offer?


Premisin creative work spaces are the design thinking of the office real estate industry. The reason it is the future of employment is that it employs an innovative strategy that has been successful in other fields. Or to put it another way, it is the Apple and Starbucks of the corporate setting.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Executive zone. Please visit our website Premisin to know more or fill out the inquiry form and we will be in touch very soon. 

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