5 Tips to Improve Office Space Working Environment

Most people would concur that having a productive workday depends on having a pleasant workspace. Unfortunately, not many businesses have the funding to give their staff a perfect workspace. There are things you can do to improve your present work environment if you’re one of the many people who are dissatisfied with it.

According to research, employees are more productive when they work in a setting they enjoy and feel at ease in. Here are some tips to improve office space and how to make your workplace more pleasant for employees if you want to boost their productivity and ensure they look forward to going to work.

1. Team Building Exercises

Including team-building activities in your company’s working environment is the first thing you can try to improve the office space.  While it’s true that some employees could consider team-building exercises to be a little childish, they are actually a terrific way to boost efficiency, promote communication, foster trust, and foster collaboration, among many other advantages. If you feel like you need to get out of the casual workspace environment to achieve maximum results from these activities, you can do that in Premisin office space, which offers various solutions for different needs.

It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money on these team-building exercises; they might be as straightforward as egg drops, office discussions, board games, travelling to play, or even ordering a pizza for a tasty afternoon at work. It’s crucial to keep in mind that during these team-building exercises and workplace improvement ideas, rewards should be given to the groups that collaborate the best.

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2. Improve Physical Environment

Improve the office space environment first at your organisation and then get started with improving the actual physical environment. The question of whether enhancing the physical surroundings of a workspace boosts output and morale among employees has been thoroughly studied, and the results are unambiguously in favour of this hypothesis.

The amount of light and open space in the office is one of the biggest contributors to productivity and happiness. Additionally, potted plants and desk  plants are always a good way to bring a touch of green to any space. A small piece of art is also not a bad idea either.

3. Pay attention and Take Notes

The fact that important decisions frequently have an impact on employees and the workplace environment is something that many companies miss the point of and fail to take into account. At the end of the day, you want to nurture a happy and productive work environment and a healthy work culture. To do this, one strategy is to pay attention to what your employee is saying while listening to them.

There are a few benefits of this, such as employees never feeling like an idea is too silly or not important enough, and as a result, allowing everyone to innovate. More than this, since employees are the ones who must complete tasks, you may discover what would make processes simpler and more effective.

4. Rewarding Hard Work 

Rewarding effort is the next item you’ll need to think about when trying to improve the office space and working environment at your organisation. The idea that employees were paid to do a job and that their hard worker was rewarded with a salary has long since disappeared. We now understand that everyone is different psychologically, and that some people require slightly more assistance than others.

Hard work can be rewarded in other ways besides money. A simple that you, praising someone at the following business meeting, or stating that they did a terrific job or had a brilliant idea could suffice.

5. Workplace Wellness

Wellness in the workplace environment of the company is the last thing that should be taken into consideration. It Is widely known that overworking an employee can result in stress and resentment, which decreases productivity and, it turn, decreases motivation. The culture of your business, revenues, and the mental wellness of your employees may all be impacted quite rapidly if more than one employee is affected by this.

You can encourage a healthy work-life balance, provide free lunch for your staff, ensure that nobody is given more work than they can handle, or even have someone that employees can speak to when they are too stressed. This step can have a huge impact on your employees and improve the office space environment drastically.

Also Read: How to calculate the productivity of an employee

6. Don’t forget the wider workplace

When working on initiatives to make the workplace better, it’s important to remember employees who work from home, travel in corporate vehicles, or visit clients’ locations. Make sure that vehicles are changed on a regular basis, kept in good condition, and are smoke-free, especially where they are shared amongst staff members. Consider client sites as well. Although you have no control over the workplace itself, staff members should feel free to bring up any issues they may be having with safety, access, or behaviour with you. 

Make sure risk assessments are performed and that employees have the necessary equipment, such as adequate workstations and office-type chairs, when working from home.


Premisin always encourage and insist on improving the office space. We as one of the leader of office space provider offer spaces that increase productivity, have enough space to accommodate employees, feasible for both people and growth and add ample positivity to the entire business. If you want to know more about Premisin, visit our website and get in touch with us.